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Study Accounting and Finance (M.Sc.)

Where does the topic of finance meet the topics of the future? Here, with us!

Those who study with us today can change the world tomorrow. Are you interested in sustainable financial markets and value-creating corporate management? Working interdisciplinary, practical and in small groups is your thing? Become a forward thinker with us - especially in the future topics of digitalization and sustainability. With us, it's all about Future from Monday to Friday."

Why us – why here?

Small groups, direct contact with the lecturers, practical relevance to companies, cosmopolitan atmosphere on campus, mega opportunities on the job market, exciting practical case projects, internationality and semesters abroad guaranteed - and last but not least: an interdisciplinary professional and personal education as a return on investment for life.


Greeting from the deanship

Additional information for...
First year students

How to get in
Registration for the aptitude test

The most important in brief

Study program

Accounting and Finance


Master of Science (M. Sc.)

Standard period of study

3 semesters

Form of study


ECTS points


Lecture language


Admission requirements



ZEvA until 30.09.2026

Start of study*

Every year for the winter semester*

Application deadline for the summer semester

Application deadline for the winter semester

15.06. for applicants with foreign degrees


15.07. for applicants with German degrees


*About the semester dates.

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Description of the study program

Numbers create facts. And you create the numbers ... Do you not only have a soft spot for numbers and facts, but also a great interest in dealing with them responsibly? With these specific skills, you can go far, because understanding accounting and finance is one of the central tasks in managing companies - especially in this day and age, when the topics of digitalization and sustainability can no longer stop at any company! If you also already have the relevant basic knowledge in the areas of controlling, financing, accounting and taxes, the master's program in Accounting and Finance is a logical and consistent continuation of your academic career. The content of our Accounting and Finance program is based on practical tasks and provides you with a holistic view of financial management. In particular, interdisciplinary specialist knowledge and skills are promoted in the four business management fields of finance, accounting, controlling and taxation.

Career prospects

This master's program prepares you for a responsible position in corporate management, investment banking, consulting or auditing. Experts in financial management continue to assert themselves on the job market and have excellent and exciting career opportunities in business, academia and research. The option of an academic career followed by a doctorate is also open to you.

Study structure

The study program is designed for three semesters. The focus of study and the case studies concentrate in particular on the topics of digitalization and sustainability. In addition to the selection of current and relevant issues and the high proportion of case-based approaches to solutions, your everyday study will be enriched by close collaboration with selected companies.

First semester

  1. Nationale und internationale Steuerplanung (National and international tax planning)
  2. Unternehmensbewertung und Cost Management (Business evaluation and cost management)
  3. Financial Reporting and Capital Markets
  4. Financial Econometrics
  5. Digital Finance and Investment Analysis

Second semester

  1. Financial Modelling and Valuation
  2. Data Management
  3. Management Accounting and Control
  4. Research Project

Third semester

  1. Wertorientierte Unternehmensführung (Value-based corporate management)
  2. Business Strategy Consulting
  3. Master thesis with colloquium

Great content – close to practice

In today's economy - characterized by a global environment - you need knowledge of methods and techniques, professional skills and a high level of social competence to meet the demanding challenges of a leader. The Accounting and Finance program guarantees you an intensive and enriching examination of relevant topics from financial management and a high standard of quality

  • in the teaching of the theoretical fundamentals
  • in the practical application of the acquired skills within the framework of interdisciplinary project work in heterogeneously staffed teams. This includes the analysis and processing of complex issues from practice.
  • The Accounting and Finance program comprises 90 credit points (ECTS) and has been accredited by ZEvA (Central Evaluation and Accreditation Agency).
  • Upon successful completion of your studies, you will receive the Master Science (M.Sc.) degree.

In addition to many good reasons for a stay abroad, there are also many ways to fulfill this dream. We support you from the initial idea through the application process to the actual planning.

Excerpts of Module Descriptions

Other documents such as class schedules, applications, etc. can be found at: My studies.




Diplom Betriebswirtin (FH), MBA
Gülsüm Keskin
Fb3: Wirtschaft und Recht
Building BCN (City Gate), Room 809

Application and enrollment with national degrees

Application and enrollment with international degrees

Head of degree course

Additional information concerning Frankfurt UAS

Website editorial teamID: 1627
last updated on: 06.04.2024