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How to get in – in a few simple steps

Do you fulfil the following requirements?

To apply to the program you need a bachelor’s degree in economics or a thematically related degree or an equivalent international degree with a standard study period of six semesters, more specifically:

  • with at least 180 ECTS-Credit Points. Under the condition that (up to) 30 ECTS-Credit Points are acquired before registering for master’s thesis at Frankfurt UAS. The appropriate modules are determined by the examination board OR
  • with at least 210 ECTS-Credit Points – without further requirements.

Let’s get started!

Please hand in a formal application including your original certificate or (if you have not finished your studies yet) a provisional certificate that contains a provisional grade and the ECTS points obtained for the degree. You can hand in you final certificate at a later point in time given by the Student Service Center.

You can look up the number of points necessary for a B2 level in various certificates (e.g. TOEFL or IELTS) on the website of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF). Acceptable language certificates are such listed by the CEF. Proof of English language skills may be omitted if you have already acquired 30 ECTS-Credit Points in modules conducted in English during your previous studies (at home or abroad). In addition, all German or bilingual degree programs require German language skills at the DSH-2 level.

    Last but not least, you need to formally apply to the university program.

    Application with German proof of education:

    Application with German educational certificates to the 1st semester in this degree program is done via the website "Application and Enrollment - Master's Programs". Questions regarding admission requirements and application procedures can be answered by the study office.

    Application with foreign prior education certificate:

    Students with foreign degrees should contact the International Office. The application with foreign educational certificates is usually done online via uni-assist e.v. The International Office will be happy to advise you! If you have any questions regarding the application process via uni-assist, please contact the International Office via e-mail: admissions(at)

    Website editorial teamID: 11004
    last updated on: 04.04.2024