
Information for students of Infrastructure – Water and Transport (M.Eng.)

Information for students of the degree programs Infrastructure - Water and Traffic (M.Eng.) and Infrastructure Management (M.Eng.)

Students of Infrastructure - Water and Transport will find important information about the course of studies on this page, such as the examination regulations.

General information


Prof. Santowski, gunnar.santowski(at)

Deputy Prof. Dr. Weilandt

Student members

Mr. Hiebert, Deputy Chairman Mr. Terzi
Mr. Fandrich, Deputy Chairman Mr. Wessel
Mr. Yücel, Deputy Chairman Ms. Yurt

Professor members

Prof. Santowski, Deputy Prof. Dr. Weilandt
Prof. Dr. Becker, Deputy Prof. Dr. Horster
Prof. Dr. Lademann, Deputy Prof. Dr. Theilen

Examination regulations


Timetable for the winter semester 2019/20
The regular courses of the individual study courses start on 16.10.2019.

Lectures start in winter semester 2019 on Wednesday, 16.10.2019.

The introduction days will take place on 14.04. and 15.10.2019. As far as nothing else is announced, the courses start on Wednesday, 16.10.2019.

Changes to the timetable:

Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Christian Hähnlein
Studiengangsleitung Infrastruktur – Wasser und Verkehr
Building 2, Room 61
Fax : +49 69 1533-2374

Examination committee chair

Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Wolfgang Jung
Head of degree course: Advanced Architecture (M. Sc.)
Building 1, Room 511
Prof. Dipl.-Ing.
Michael Peters
Lehrender für Entwurf
Building 1, Room 507

Additional information concerning Frankfurt UAS

Website editorial teamID: 1845
last updated on: 11.27.2023