
Study Performative Arts in Social Fields (M.A.)

Information for prospective students of Performative Arts in Social Fields (M.A.)

Our society and culture are facing constant changes. Societal and social situations demand a high level of mobility and flexibility of people. Culture and society basically constitute themselves mainly through our actions and performances in everyday life, which are called 'cultural performances'. As part of everyday performative actions, art projects are designed and carried out, which develop artistic notions in cultural, social and political contexts in the master's degree course Performative Arts in Social Fields. Performative arts open realms for possibilities and initiate negotiation processes, which have direct impact on social contexts and the realities found in them.



Performative Arts in Social Fields

(consecutive M.A.)


4 semesters, full-time

ECTS-Credit Points


Program start

Summer semester

Application deadlines

national: 15.01.2023/ international: 12.12.2022




July 2022

The master's degree course Performative Arts in Social Fields offers its students an application-oriented artistic and at the same time scientific course of study. This includes a theoretical-practical interaction with media, dance, video, photography, audio/music, theater, art and performance, as well as dealing with discourses on intermediality, artistic research and performativity. The students are enabled to develop a grasp on social, cultural and individual questions in a performative manner, research them with scientific and esthetic methods, as well as influence them directly with performative projects and participation procedures in the social context. This way graduates are able to develop and carry out artistic-performative and cultural projects customized for certain target groups and social facilities. It is connected at the interface of social studies and art to the parallel offered master's degree course Diversity and Inclusion. Next to the respective specific modules for the master's degree course, sharing modules (s) with interdisciplinary study contents are offered.

You can find an overview of modules of the degree course in the diagram.
More detailed information about the modules can be found in the module handbook.

From start of summer semester 2023
Admission requirements

The program is aimed at interested students with a diploma, bachelor's or master's degree in (social) pedagogy and/or art, provided that knowledge of artistic processes as well as competencies in pedagogical/social areas can be demonstrated.

Start of study in the summer semester.

Letter of motivation with work samples

1. the special motivation must be presented in a letter of motivation (max. 3 pages in length), which must address the following two aspects (a and b):

a.   Description of the motivation for the MA program in terms of the student's own aptitudes and interests as well as his/her future professional location

b.   Description of a performative and/or intermedia art project in the social field or an artistic research project that the applicant intends to work on in the course of the MA program. The description of the project should include the following: Research object, the research question, the research interest and description of the practical-artistic means.

2. For the assessment of the artistic-medial aptitude, selected work samples of completed projects are to be submitted.

In addition, the artistic means used in a project and the effects of these means (in the social field or on the participants/clients) should be reflected on one A4 page.


The Master's program Performative Arts in Social Fields enables its graduates:

  • develop and implement concepts and strategies of artistic-performative and intermedial project work in social fields
  • reflect on artistic-practical strategies in social fields in theoretical discourses on aesthetic education, intermediality, artistic research and performativity
  • to establish, evaluate and present interdisciplinary references as well as to apply project management procedures in the context of project work and to claim the right to cultural education and participation.

Additional information concerning Frankfurt UAS

Website editorial teamID: 1691
last updated on: 05.27.2024