New arrivals at Frankfurt UAS

Welcome to studying at Frankfurt UAS, dear first semester students

Erstsemestereinführung und weitere Angebote zum Studienstart

Welcome to our university! On this page you will find all the important information and to-dos relating to the start of your studies, including the first semester introduction and other offers for the start of your studies.

Timetable for the freshman orientation (ESE)

Take a look at the exact schedule for your personal first semester introduction.

We recommend that you register/login for all necessary accesses after you have successfully enrolled.

Activation of your university access

In order to be technically prepared for your courses, you must activate various university accounts. The following video explains how to activate your CIT user account for the first time with step-by-step instructions:

Follow us!

For further information about your studies, please follow us on Instagram @studycompass. There you will find short videos about your degree program and more.


Your introduction...

... consists of these four components. Don't miss any of them!

Faculty pages for new students

A lot of important and study program-specific details about the semester start are available on the corresponding pages by your faculty.

We highly recommend that you read through them.

In case you don't know in which faculty your study program is, check out the overview of programs.

If you have already arrived a bit, it is recommended to have a look at the pages of the student councils and the General Student Committee (AStA).


Where do I find what? Orientation on campus

Here you will find an overview of the campus as well as the most important contact points. (German only)

The map of the university, as well as tips on how to get there, can be found here.

Click here to watch the video on YouTube  for a sightseeing flight over the campus and for the video for a 360-degree tour (German only) for the start of the winter semester 2023/34.

Always up to date: The student newsletter

The student newsletter - Studi-News for short - is published twice a semester and provides compact information on numerous current topics at our university.

It contains articles about

  • campus life
  • important changes in the university
  • events
  • reports about award ceremonies etc.
  • individual support offers

You can easily subscribe to the newsletter. You will find the link to the registration form at or directly behind the registration button.

Website editorial teamID: 1872
last updated on: 01.20.2025