
Schedule of the first semester introduction

Please note that most events will take place in German.

Here you will find the exact schedule for the first semester introduction of your degree program from the beginning of October.  Please check this page regularly for updates.




October 16th, 17th and 18th

Introductory sessions for bachelor’s degree programs

October 18th

Introductory sessions for the German master’s programs

October 16th, 17th and 18th

Introductory sessions for the English speaking master’s program HIS, IT and Renewable Energy

October 16t and 17th

Introductory sessions for the English speaking master’s program for Urban Agglomeration

October 16t

Introductory sessions for the English speaking master’s program for Advanced Architecture

October 16t and 17th

Introductory sessions for the English speaking master’s program for Global Logistics

Schedule details

You do not know which department you are in? Here you will find the answer.

Tutor program for the master's degree programs

Website editorial teamID: 8731
last updated on: 10.14.2024