Your start to a successful course of study at Frankfurt UAS - Faculty 2

Welcome to Frankfurt

and congratulations to your couragous decision in studying abroad. It might be that the education system is different to your home country - therefore, be aware of differences and expect them. 

Studying at Faculty 2 is characterized by a high degree of self-learning phases. Students have to plan their studies, be self-organized, independent, structured and must think along. 

To facilitate the transition, we offer during our study preparation phase workshops to support you. Our Freshmen Induction connects you with students from the same study program and offers all information you need tabout your degree course. In addition, we offer workshop and other support services during the semester as well. 

Participate in our workshops

  • to get used to different accents and pronuncitation
  • to learn about different relevant topics such as time management or academic writing
  • to network with other STEM-students

You need a few skills to successfully master your studies. You already have many of them and if you want to perfect them, then come to one of our workshops. If you would like personal advice, then come to our student advisory service.

The next workshop offers (Check the German page please)

Counseling and support services at a glance

Study Advisory, Counseling and Coaching for all students
Studienberatung für Studierende

► Studienfachberatung

Psychosocial Counselling
Psychosozialberatung in der Zentralen Studienberatung

Study Coaching
Lernberatung im SLZ

Counseling for Students with Care Work - Family Office
► Familienbüro

Counseling for Students with Disabilities
► Studieren mit Behinderung

Advice centers for discrimination, sexual harassment, violence, stalking or bullying

Beratung Antidiskriminierung     Flyer

Are you the first in your family to study?
► Ins Studium starten mit

Advice in case of study doubts
YourPUSH Career option craft

Psychosocial counseling of the Studierendenwerk Frankfurt

Career and study counseling at the employment agency (Agentur für Arbeit)
Agentur für Arbeit 


Support with “learning to learn”
Lernberatung im SLZ -  Learning guidance in the SLZ (Self-Learning Center)


Student Mentoring
Studentisches Mentoring

General Student Committee AStA

Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss

Social Counseling AStA

Zur Sozialberatung

For Bachelor students 

Support for learning maths
Mathewerkstatt Website


Mathewerkstatt auf campUAS

Support learning physics (mainly for Bachelor students)
Physikwerkstatt Website


Physikwerkstatt auf campUAS

Support with scientific work

Focus: Methodology & techniques of scientific work working
►►►CampUAS "ReActing" 

Support with scientific writing
►►► CampUAS "Schreibwerkstatt"

Data Literacy

Support with research, literature management, etc.


►►► CampUAS Bibliothek "Citavi6"

Short keynote speeches on specialist topics

Couch Lectures Website 
CampUAS Kurs "Couch Lectures"

Fb 2 graduates provide insights into professional life
Alumni Couch Lectures

Sports and health offers at Frankfurt UAS


Evangelische Studierendengemeinde - Protestant University Community
► ESG Frankfurt

Katholische Hochschulgemeinde - Catholic University Community
KHG Frankfurt

Muslimische Studierendengemeinde - Muslim University Community
► Instagram

Newsletter der Hochschule

StudyCompass INFO-LETTER 
StudyCompass INFO-LETTER

StudyCompass Instagram-Channel

Technical Support
Campus IT- Servicedesk

Careeer Counseling

Career Service

International Career Service 

Fb 2 graduates provide insights into professional life
Alumni Couch Lectures

Starting a business 
Beratung Existenzgründung

Careers advice from the employment agency
Agentur für Arbeit at Frankfurt UAS

Learn a language

► Sprachlernsoftware Speexx (Deutsch als Fremdsprache, English, French, Spanish, ...)

 European University Tandem: Sprachtandem-Programm EUniTa

Technical and academic language DaZ/DaF
► Deutsch: Sprache und Kommunikation C2 (DaF)

► WISA – Wissenschaftliche Schlüsselqualifikationen für Studierende aus dem Ausland C2 (DaF)

► Fachsprache Recht C1 (DaF/DaZ)

Wirtschaftsdeutsch B2/C1 (DaF)

Deutsch für Architektur und Bauingenieurwesen (DaF/DaZ)

Technisches Deutsch: Wortschatz und Grammatik C1 (DaF)


Heritage Language
Herkunftssprachen (Arabisch, Chinesisch, Persisch, Polnisch, Russisch und Türkisch)


Information on Ukraine crisis - for all who would like to help
Für Betroffene und alle, die helfen möchten


Service Learning and social commitment
Angebot für Studierende

Anja Ruhland
Study Advisor Faculty 2
Building 2, Room 323
Anja RuhlandID: 6919
last updated on: 08.28.2024