Student mentoring at Faculty 4

Dear students,


We are your student mentors at Faculty 4.


Our job is to support you - especially in your first year of study, but also in the further course of your studies - and to provide you with advice and assistance. What makes us special is that we student mentors started at the same point as you a few semesters ago and can provide support and advice from our own experience. 

Consulting focus

For example, you can contact us if...


  • you have questions about module allocation and your course schedule,
  • something has remained unclear to you, e.g. with regard to FranCa or CampUAS
  • you are under exam stress,
  • you don't know who you can turn to,
  • you have a concern that you would prefer to discuss with a student.


And now?

Don't hesitate to contact your mentor today.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us at any time! 


Applied Nursing Science dual (B.Sc.)

An experienced student will be happy to answer your questions about studying, practical phases and module selection. 


If you have any questions, please contact lea.jochmann(at)

Student mentoring in the Midwifery Science dual degree program (B.Sc.)

The student mentors will support you in particular by reflecting on your practice and leading peer case consultations.


On the CampUAS Plattform B.Sc. HebWiss: Praxisreflexion under the heading Peer:Peer you will find further information, the next dates and contact options.

Student mentoring in the Management of Nursing and Health (B.A.) degree program

Two students in their final semester will support you in all aspects of your studies. Simply write an e-mail with your request to Lisa Uhlig lisa.uhlig(at) und Daryna Bohdanova  daryna.bohdanova(at)


Student mentoring in the Social Work degree program (B.A.)

Student mentoring in the BASA degree programme is organized in the first semester groups (ESGs). The individual mentors can be contacted via Telegram: 


Please note: Our mentors offer Telegram groups for networking. If you would like to make use of this offer, we would like to ask you to observe a few notes on netiquette on these chat platforms. 

Student mentoring in the Social Work:transnational (B.A.) program

To contact the student mentor in the BASA:transnational degree program, you can use the Telegram to join group 6 to ask your questions. 


Your degree program is not listed?

Then you have the following options:


Website editorial teamID: 12500
last updated on: 09.18.2024