
Tutorial work

Individual advice

  • Onboarding for new tutors: In an individual consultation session, you will receive information on the role of a tutor, tasks and limits as well as tips on personal appearance in the tutorial and on leading groups. Lecturers are also welcome to request this onboarding for tutors.
  • Feedback on teaching concepts for your own tutorial: We are happy to discuss your questions on the use of methods, the structured planning of the tutorial, the activation of students and the use of digital tools.
  • Dealing with challenging situations: We can advise you on how to deal with conflicts and challenges in your work as a tutor, mentor and student assistant.
    Advice on the above topics is also available in English. You are welcome to make an appointment for a personal consultation with Antonia Stürmer at




Antonia StürmerTutorienarbeit StudyCompass
Building BCN (City Gate), Room 829
Natascha HempelCoordination StudyCompass
Building BCN (City Gate), Room 832
Dominique GrünProjektmitarbeiterin StudyCompass
Building BCN (City Gate), Room 829
Filip ColicStudent assistant
Building BCN, Room 8th floor
Michele Helms-BrooksStudentische Mitarbeiterin StudyCompass
Building BCN (City Gate), Room 8. Stock
Website editorial teamID: 13891
last updated on: 10.02.2024