
Tutorial work


The workshops are open to all students at Frankfurt UAS. In principle, the offers are aimed at students who work as tutors, mentors or student assistants or would like to do so in the future.


Yes, you will receive a certificate of attendance for each workshop you attend.


In the workshops, you will learn the technical basics that are important for your work as a tutor or mentor. You can also develop personally and professionally and acquire key competencies (future skills) that will also be useful for your future career. Certificates of participation in the workshops can also be advantageous for job applications.  

The workshops are counted as working time in some departments/projects at the university. However, there is no university-wide regulation on this. Please discuss this individually with your supervisor.


Tutors are usually students who work in teaching and impart subject content in tutorials, exercises or laboratories. They can also be involved in projects and provide specialist support to student groups. There are also tutors at the help desks for math and physics and in the Schreibwerkstatt.

In addition, tutors are employed in the first semester induction (ESE) who accompany groups of students during their first days at the university, provide them with important information and support them in finding their way around the university. These are known as ESE tutors.

Mentors are students who are working for the student mentoring program in their respective degree. They advise students in their degree program on various issues relating to their studies, such as questions about the course schedule, technical difficulties or exam stress. They offer consultation hours, answer questions by email or organize group meetings.

  • General job advertisements of the university: Vacancies at Frankfurt UAS
  • Ask the lecturers in your degree program about available tutor positions!



Antonia StürmerTutorienarbeit StudyCompass
Building BCN (City Gate), Room 829
Natascha HempelCoordination StudyCompass
Building BCN (City Gate), Room 832
Dominique GrünProjektmitarbeiterin StudyCompass
Building BCN (City Gate), Room 829
Filip ColicStudent assistant
Building BCN, Room 8th floor
Michele Helms-BrooksStudentische Mitarbeiterin StudyCompass
Building BCN (City Gate), Room 8. Stock
Website editorial teamID: 13892
last updated on: 11.11.2024