
Tutorial work

Our goals

The tutors and mentors:


  • are multipliers for knowledge, networking and support
  • acquire key skills and develop professionally and personally
  • reflect on their role and self-image
  • are sensitized to the special needs of the diverse and heterogeneous target group
  • are given a space for collegial exchange and can learn from each other at peer level



Antonia StürmerTutorienarbeit StudyCompass
Building BCN (City Gate), Room 829
Natascha HempelCoordination StudyCompass
Building BCN (City Gate), Room 832
Dominique GrünProjektmitarbeiterin StudyCompass
Building BCN (City Gate), Room 829
Filip ColicStudent assistant
Building BCN, Room 8th floor
Michele Helms-BrooksStudentische Mitarbeiterin StudyCompass
Building BCN (City Gate), Room 8. Stock
Website editorial teamID: 13890
last updated on: 09.18.2024