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Prof. Dr. Chaitali Das

Professorin für transnationale und internationale Soziale Arbeit 

Prof. Dr.
Chaitali Das
Gebäude 10, Raum 403
Fax : +49 69 1533-2809


Donnerstags von 12:00 bis 13:00 Uhr online via ZOOM.
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Fachbereich Soziale Arbeit & Gesundheit

Lehrtätigkeit im Studiengang

  • Bachelor Soziale Arbeit
  • Bachelor Soziale Arbeit :transnational


DAAD-Projekt Transnationalismus und Lokalisation in der Sozialen Arbeit

Fokus auf syrische Geflüchtete und Asylbewerber/-innen

In dem Projekt sollen die transnationalen Auswirkungen der Vertreibung von syrischen Menschen und die Bedeutung von kulturell kompetenten Dienstleistungen in der Sozialen Arbeit für syrische Menschen untersucht werden.

Mehr erfahren...

Lehr- und Vortragstätigkeit:

  • Concepts and Methods in Transnational Social Work
  • Power, Privilege and Oppression in Social Work (Postcolonial Contexts)
  • Cultural Competence in Social Work
  • Social work in Multicultural Contexts
  • Reflection and Study Abroad

Publikations- und Forschungsschwerpunkte:

  • Global Dimensions in Social Work
  • Resistance in Social Work
  • Pedagogical aspects of International Placements
  • Social Work with Minority (Minoritised) Communities
  • Ethical Issues in Researching Minoritised  Communities
  • Cultural Competence in Social Work
  • Decolonial Social Work

Supervision und Beratungstätigkeiten:

  • On the topics listed above

Ich biete folgende Lehrveranstaltungen an:

Bachelor Soziale Arbeit Transnational and Bachelor Soziale Arbeit

  • Modul 11-1: Concepts and Procedures in Methods based transnational social work
  • Modul 11-3: Reflection on Experience Abroad
  • Modul 6: Fallarbeit
  • Modul 12-2: Vertiefung Soziale Arbeit (Schwerpunkt Ausgrenzung und Integration):  Global Issues and Global Relations: Implications for Social Work
  • Modul 25: Auslandpraktikum
  • Modul 17-1: Preparation for Semester Abroad
  • Modul 23: Projektorientiertes Arbeiten
  • Modul 24: Thesis

Since 04/2019

Professor of Transnational and International social work at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences


Coordinator for the President’s Project: ‚Realising Interaction in Research and Teaching` at Philipps University Marburg

03/2016 – 01/2017

Pädagogische Fachkraft at Arbeiter Samariter Bund, Bremen

09/2015 –02/2016

Pädagogische Fachkraft at Akademie Lothar Kannenberg, Bremen

09/2014 – 08/2015

Parental Leave

08/2013 – 08/2015

Student Support and Policy Coordinator, Jacobs University, Bremen

08/2013 – 06/2014

College Master of Mercator College, Jacobs University, Bremen

06/2012 – 07/2013

Career Break

09/2008– 07/2013

Lecturer in Social Work, Queen’s University Belfast, Northern Ireland

01/2005 – 07/2008

Visiting Teacher (10/2006 – 07/2008) und Study Abroad Assistant (01/2005 – 7/2008), Royal Holloway, University of London, United Kingdom

08/2004 – 03/2009

PhD in Health and Social Care Royal Holloway, University of London, United Kingdom

07/2002 – 06/2004

Research Officer, Research Unit – College of Social Work, India

Das, C. ‘Family definitions and post divorce relations of British-Indian adult children of divorce’ (under development)

Moriarty, J., Carter-Anand, J., Davidson, G., Das, C. and Pinkerton, J. (2016) ‘Using audio-visual presentation to teach globally-minded social work‘ Social Work Education, 14(1).

David Hayes, Janet Carter Anand, Gavin Davidson, Agnieszka Buczak, Das, C., Hansbauer, P. & Koob, D. (2016) ‘Comparing Social Work Students’ Perceptions of Risk Using Online Discussion Fora: Lessons Learned from a European Pilot Project (published online 10 feb 2016). ISSN: 0261-5479 (Print) 1470-1227 (Online)

Das, C., O‘Neill, M. and Pinkerton, J. (2016) ‘Re-engaging with community work as a method of practice in social work: A view from Northern Ireland (NI)’ Journal of Social Work, 16(2): 196–215.

Barn, R. and Das, C. (2015). ‘Family Group Conferences and Cultural Competence in Social Work’ British Journal of Social Work. Published online. Available at

Cleak, H., Carter Anand, J. and Das, C. (2014) ‘Asking the critical questions': An evaluation of social work students experiences in an international placement’ British Journal of Social Work. Published online, Available at

McAreavey, R., & Das, C. (2013). ‘A Delicate Balancing Act: Negotiating with Gatekeepers for Ethical Research When Researching Minority Communities’. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 12(1), 113-131.

Cohrs, C., Christie, D., White, M. and Das, C. (2013) ‘Contributions of Positive Psychology to Peace: Toward Global Well-Being and Resilience’ American Psychologist, 68 (7), 590-600.

Das, C. and Anand, J. and (2012) ‘Strategies for Critical Reflection in International Field Work Placements for Social Work Students’. International Social Work. 1-16. Published online, available at

Das, C. (2012) ‘Barriers and supports to divorce for victimised British-Indian mothers and consequences of divorce: Narratives of British-Indian adult children of divorce’ Child Care in Practice, 18 (2), 147-164.

Campbell, J., Campbell, A. and Das, C. (2012) ‘A study of successful applicants’ views of a social work admissions process’ Journal of Social Work. Published online, available at 

Duffy, J., Das, C. and Davidson, G. (2011) ‘Service User and Carer Involvement in Role-plays to Assess Readiness for Practice’ Journal of Social Work Education, 1-16. Published online, available at

Das, C. (2010) ‘Resilience, Risk and Protective Factors for British-Indian Children of Divorce’ Journal of Social Sciences, 25 (1-2-3), 97-108. Available online at

Das, C. (2009) ‘Recognising Ecological Contexts of Diverse Ethnic Groups: Experiences of British-Indian Adult Children of Divorce’ The International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations, 9(5), 83-97.

Anand, A., Das, C., Veszteg, C. and Batbaatar, E. ‘Tripping over differences: Reflections of the experience of International Research Collaboration'. In Migrants and Practitioner Research. Routledge: Melbourne University (Expected publication in 2019)

Anand, A., Borrmann, S. and Das, C. ‘Resisting Populism: Case Studies in European Social Work’ In: C. Noble and G. Ottman (ed) The Challenge of Nationalist Populism for Social Work. (Expected publication in 2019)

Carter-Anand, J. and Das, C. (2019) Global-mindedness in Social Work, Reshaping Social Work Series: edited by R. Adams, L. Dominelli and M. Payne. United Kingdom: Palgrave MacMillan.

Das, C. and Carter Anand, J. (2016) ‘Pushing theory: Critical cultural competence in social work practice.’ In: C. Williams and M. Graham (ed) Social Work in a Diverse Society: Transformative Practice with ethnic minority communities, Chap 2, pp 21 – 38. United Kingdom: Policy Press.

Kelly, G. and Das. C. (2012) ‘Should Adoption be an Option?'. In: R. Sheehan and H. Rhoades (ed) Vulnerable Children and the Law Children: International Evidence for improving Child Welfare, Child Protection and Children's Rights’ edited by. Jessica Kinsley Publishers. Chapter 14, 251-268.

Das, C. (2011) ‘British Indian Adult Children of Divorce’ Ashgate Publishers.

Fernandes, G., Das, C.& Kulkarni, A. (2006) ‘The Importance of Ethics in Social work’ In: J. Joseph and G. Fernandes (ed) An enquiry into Ethical Dilemmas in Social Work. India: Research Unit, College of Social Work. 1-10.

Das, C. & Kulkarni, A. (2006) ‘Culture and Ethics’ In: J. Joseph and G. Fernandes (ed) An enquiry into Ethical Dilemmas in Social Work. India: Research Unit, College of Social Work. 78-91.

Das, C. & Kulkarni, A. (2006) ‘Person vis-a-vis Profession’ In: J. Joseph and G. Fernandes (ed) An enquiry into Ethical Dilemmas in Social Work. India: Research Unit, College of Social Work. 92-103.

Carter-Anand, J., Das, C., Campbell, A., Davidson, G., Dill, K., Duffy, J., Hayes, D., Montgomery, L., Pinkerton, J. (2015). ‘Internationalising the Social Work Curriculum: A Working Toolkit for Higher Education Facilities’. Higher Education Academy: York.

Barn, R., Das, C. & Sawyerr, A. (2010) ‘Family Group Conferences and Black Minority Ethnic Families: An evaluation study of two community-based organisations in London’ Family Rights Group: London.

Research Unit. 2005a. ‘Dealing with child Victims of Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation: Manual for Social Workers’ UNICEF and DWCD: Government of India, India (accessible at

Research Unit. 2005. Rescue and Rehabilitation of Child Victims Trafficked for Commercial Sexual Exploitation: Report. UNICEF and DWCD: Government of India.

Das, C. (2017) ‘The rhetoric against migration and asylum seekers in Germany: implications for social work’. Social Dialogues. No. 17: Sept 2017: 26 - 28

Das, C. (2009). ‘Reviews: Indigenous Social Work Around the World’ (edited by Mel Gray, John Coates and Michael Yellow Bird). Social Work Education: The International Journal, 28 (6), 683-685.

Since 2019

Member of the Deutsche Gesselschaft für Soziale Arbeit

2008 - 2012

Member of the Northern Ireland Social Care Council (NISCC)

  • ‘Interaktion in Forschung und Lehre ausbauen’ as Co-ordinator in the current Project at Philipps University Marburg: Feb 2017 – current.
  • ‘Residential Policies in campus Based Universities’ as consultant and as Policy Co-ordinator at Jacobs University Bremen: May 2013- Aug 2015.
  • ‘Internationalising the Social Work Curriculum: A Working Toolkit for Higher Education Facilities’ as consultant with Dr. Janet Anand and other colleagues at Queen’s University Belfast (Funded by Higher Education Academy in 2015.
  • ‘Value based Education for schools in India: Theories and method’ as consultant for Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana  in 2014.
  • Research on ‘Ageing in Pune’ in collaboration with faculty members at Queen’s University Belfast and Karve Institute of Social Service, Pune (India) 2011 - Ongoing)
  • Research on the Ideas of Risk in Social Work Education in social work teaching units in Germany, Poland and Northern Ireland: 2012 – 2013.
  • Research on International Exchange Programmes with partners at LaTrobe University Australia, Trinity College Dublin Ireland and University of Galway, Ireland: 2012 – 2014.
  • Developing a new Mutual Exchange Programme between Social Work Students at Karve Institute of Social Service, Pune and Queen’s University Belfast, UK (Funded by the School of Sociology, Social Policy and Social Work, QUB): Nov 2010 – Nov 2012.
  • Opportunities for Learning and Skills for Employment: Evaluating Outcomes of International Social Work Educational Visits (Funded by Higher Education Academy UKCISA): March 2012 – Sept 2012.
  • Promoting Learning about Diversity, and Cultural Competence towards developing Sustainable and Global Education/Citizenship in Social Work Students at Queen’s University Belfast (Funded by Higher Education Academy, UK): July 2010 – June 2011.
  • Evaluation study on Family Group Conferencing in Minority Mommunities in London (Royal Holloway-University of London, funded by Family Rights Group): May 2007–May 2009.
  • British-Indian Adult Children of Divorce: Context, Impact and Coping (Royal Holloway-University of London, scholarship awarded by Royal Holloway and Overseas Research Studentship Award Scheme - UK): Sept 2004 – April 2009.
  • South-Asian families and Children in Canada (Royal Holloway-University of London): Jan 2006-May 2007.
  • Ethical Dilemmas for Social Work Practice in India (Research Unit, College of Social Work-Mumbai): Mar 2004 – Sept 2004.
  • Evaluation of Street Children Project, Aasra in Mumbai (Research Unit, College of Social Work-Mumbai, funded by NGO Aasara): Sept 2003 – Feb 2004.
  • Recording and Tracing Alumni of College of Social Work (Research Unit, College of Social Work-Mumbai): Jan Sept 2002 – May 2003.
  • Dealing with Child Victims of Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation: Manual for Social Workers (Research Unit, College of Social Work-Mumbai, funded by UNICEF and DWCD): May 2003 – June 2004.
  • Rescue and Rehabilitation of Child Victims Trafficked for Commercial Sexual Exploitation (Research Unit, College of Social Work-Mumbai, funded by UNICEF and DWCD): July 2002 – May 2003.
  • Das, C. (2017) Chair and Discussant for Session F ‘Post Divorce Lives and Transnationalism’ with Presentations from Dr. Ee Ling Quah, University of Wollongong and Dr. Qureshi, Lahore University of Management Sciences and Oxford University. AT the Transnational Families and Divorce Conference, 2017 held at University of Nijmegen between 27-28 September 2017
  • Das, C. (2016) ‘Negotiating pedagogical development of Unaccompanied Minor Asylum-seekers (UMAs) within the childcare system in Bremen, Germany.’ At the Symposium on Best Theories and Practices for Refugee Resettlement and Integration, 2016, held at University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, between 13th – 14th October, 2016. (online presentation)
  • Cleak, H., Carter-Anand, J. & Das. C. (2016) 'As good or better'. Asking some basic questions: An evaluation of social work students experiences in an international placement’ Presented by Janet Carter-Anand at the 11 International Conference on Practice Learning and Field Education, held at Queens University Belfast between 4th - 6th April 2016.
  • Carter-Anand, J. & Das, C. (2016). ‘292 Tripping over difference: A critique of international comparative research methodologies.’ Presented by Janet Carter-Anand at the 6th European Conference for Social Work Research on Reflective social work practices in contemporary societies: crossed dialogues and new pathways between praxis and research, held at the Catholic University of Portugal, Lisbon, Portugal, March 30th to April 1st.
  • Das, C. (2014) 'Ethics and Power Relations in Qualitative Research with Minority Groups’ Presented at INGRID: Integrating expertise in inclusive growth Call 9: Protocol development for hard-to-reach and hard-to identify groups in living conditions surveys to enhance cross-country comparative research. University of Bremen, 28-30 April 2014.
    Available at
  • Anand, J., Cleak, H. and Das, C. (2013) 'Development of Best Practice in International Field Education in a Global Environment' Submitted to the Joint Social Work Education Conference 10-12 July 2013.
  • Das. C. (2013). Workshop on 'Ethics and Power in Qualitative Migration Research'. Koln University of Applied Sciences. 18th April: Koln.
  • Davidson, G. and Das, C. (2013). Workshop on International Social Work'. Muenster School of Applied Sciences. 18th March 2013: Muenster.
  • Anand, J., Davidson, G., and Das, C. (2013) 'Project Presentation' Internationalising Learning and Teaching: Making Connections, 12 March 2013, London.
  • Anand, J., Karuna, V., Das, C., Rao, G., Sahadeo, S., Rajuskar, C., Patil, A. (2012) 'Tripping over differences: Reflections of the experience of International Research Collaboration' International Conference on Social Work Education in the Contemporary World: Issues and Challenges 14th to 16th January 2013, Pune, India.
  • Das, C. and McAreavey, R. (2012) 'Recruitment and Ethics of responsibility when researching marginalized communities'2nd International Conference on Practice Research on 'Practice Research in Social Work: Producing Robust Knowledge', , Helsinki, Finland (30-31st May) PDF
  • Das, C (2012) 'Re-engaging community development in social work', 7th Annual Social Work in Action Network conference on 'Cuts, crisis, and resistance – building alliances in social work and social care', Liverpool Hope University (30-31 March 2012).
  • Das, C & Anand, J 2011, 'Reflections on the Queen’s University Belfast and Karve Institution of Social Services, India, International Exchange Project' Paper presented at International Exchange Opportunities in Social Work Education and Practice Colloquium, Belfast, United Kingdom, (01 April 2011).
  • Das, C. and Anand, J. (2011) 'Teaching students critical reflection in international contexts', Citizenship Practices: Transnational Identities, Human Rights and Social Justice in a Globalising World, Durham University (UK) (26 - 27 Sept 2011).
  • Das, C. and Anand, J. (2011) 'Teaching cultural competence for critical social work', The 7th International Social Work and Society Academy conference on Politics of Identity: The changing face of social work, Czech Republic (21-23 Aug 2011).
  • Das, C. (2011) 'Workshop on Critical Reflection for Practice and Field Educators', Practice Learning conference, University of Ulster, Northern Ireland (24th June 2011).
  • Anand, J and Das, C (2011) – 'Academic and student perspectives on international exchanges: reflections on problems, opportunities and outcomes', HEA/UKCISA Teaching International Students (TIS) Project  conference at Coventry, Warwick (16-17 June 2011).
  • Das, C. (2010) 'Power, Reflexivity and Qualitative Research with Ethnic Minority Groups', New Perspectives to Research on Transnational Migration: Identifying Methodological Problems and Solutions - International Workshop 29 to30 April 2010, Bielefeld University, Germany.
  • Das, C. (2010) 'Resilience, Impact, Coping of Divorce by British-Indian Adult Children', 10th International GOPIO (Global Organisation of People of Indian Origin) Convention - 28 to 31 March 2010, Durban, South Africa.
  • Das, C. (2009) 'Recognising Ecological Contexts of Diverse Ethnic Groups: Experiences of British-Indian Adult Children of Divorce'Ninth International Conference on Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations – 16to19 June 2009, Riga, Latvia.
  • Barn, R., Sawyerr, A and Das, C. (2009) 'Family Group Conferences: A ‘Panacea’ or a ‘Straitjacket’ in Working with Culturally Diverse Families in Multi-Racial Societies', Ninth International Conference on Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations – 16to 19 June 2009, Riga, Latvia.
  • Barn, R., Das, C. and Sawyerr, A. (2009) 'Embracing Race and Culture in the Family Group Conferencing Process', Family Rights Group, 30April 2009, London, United Kingdom.
  • Das, C.  (2009) 'Social Work in India: Community Development, International Perspectives in Social Work', International Week at University of Applied Sciences, 30 Mar to 2 April 2009, Muenster, Germany.
  • Das, C.  (2007) 'Power Dynamics in the Social Context of Qualitative Research', Qualitative Research Methods Network, European Sociological Association Conference, 3 to 6 September 2007, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
  • Das, C. (2007) 'Feminist themes emerging from narratives of British-Indian Adult Children of Divorce', Psychology of Women's Conference, 18 to 20 July 2007, Windsor, United Kingdom.
  • Das, C. (2007) 'Impact & Coping among British-Indian Adult Children of Divorce - Session 1 – Families, distress and survival', Graduate Research Student Conference on Bringing Together Research, Policy and Practice, 12 Feb 2007, Royal Holloway, University of London, United Kingdom.
  • Das, C. (2006) 'Methodological Issues when Researching Ethnic Minority Communities', International Conference on Children and Divorce, 24 to 27 July 2006, University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom.
  • Das, C. (2005) 'The resilience of children in divorced ethnic minority families: directions for research and implications for policy and practice', Sociology of Family & Intimate Lives Network, European Sociological Association Conference, 11 to14 Sept 2005, Torun, Poland.
  • Das, C. (2005). 'Impact & Coping among British-Indian Adult Children of Divorce – Working paper', Inter-University Graduate Conference, 21 May 2005, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Prof. Dr. Chaitali DasID: 6668
letzte Änderung: 15.12.2023