General data protection statement for events according to Article 13 GDPR

According to Article 13, 14 GDPR

The Frankfurt UAS is committed to protecting your privacy and information security. The following provisions will inform you about the purpose of the processing of data, legal basis, recipients and storage periods, as well as about your rights and those of the controller for processing activities concerning your personal data. This is a translation and serves informative purposes, only the German version is legally binding.

1. Purpose of the processing

Your data will be processed differently depending on the event you are attending.

2. Name and address of the controller for the processing of the data

Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences

Legally represented by:
The president of Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
Prof. Dr. Kai-Oliver Schocke

Nibelungenplatz 1
60318 Frankfurt a. M.
Phone.: +49 69 1533-2415
Email: praesident(at)

3. Contact details of the data protection officer

Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
Data protection officer
Nibelungenplatz 1
60318 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: +49 69 1533-3020
Email: dsb(at)

4. Purposes of the data processing

4.1. Organization, registration, implementation and follow-up of the event

We need to process your data for the organization, registration, implementation and follow-up of the event. We process at most the following categories of personal data from you, if you have provided them to us in the registration form:

  • Group category (e.g. employee, student, professor, etc.)
  • First and last name
  • Contact details
  • Staff data (organizational unit, supervisor)
  • Student data (degree program/department, semester, etc.)
  • Age

If certificates of attendance are issued for the event, we will create these based on the name, contact details and data collected from you during registration.

4.2 Photo, video and audio recordings during the event

During the event, we may take photos and video or audio recordings. The "Film and photo notice according to GDPR Art. 13/14" at the event venue informs you about your rights according to Art. 13 GDPR. We will ask for written permission (declaration of consent) from you in the case of photos in which you are the main focus.

5. Purposes and legal basis of data processing

Your personal data will be processed for the following purposes:

  • Organization, registration, implementation and follow-up of the event:
    Legal basis: Art. 6, section 1, para. a) GDPR – consent
  • Creating, processing and distributing photos, videos and audio recordings of the event:
    Legal basis: Art. 6 section 1, para. a) GDPR – consent (information on data subject rights: notice at the event)
    Legal basis: Art. 6 section 1, para. c) GDPR in conjunction with § 23 Kunsturhebergesetz (German Artistic Copyright Act; distribution of images where persons appear only as an accessory next to a landscape or a location, images of gatherings, and images of contemporary history) 
  • Archiving of selected photos: 
    Legal basis: Art. 6 section 1, para. a) GDPR – consent 
    Legal basis: Art. 89 GDPR (archiving for scientific or historical research purposes and for statistical purposes)

6. Disclosure to third parties

6.1 Registration, organization and participation in the event

Depending on the registration portal used within the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, the data mentioned in 4.1 will be processed by employees of:

  • the Communication Department (registrations via web portal); and
  • the organizers of the event (organization, implementation and follow-up of the event).

The data will not be passed on to third parties.

6.2 Photo, video and audio recordings

  • The recordings made during the event in accordance with 4.2 are stored and processed on Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences systems.
  • As part of its public relations work, the university may distribute recordings of the event to journalists and publish them on its website and social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, etc.).

7. Processing of your data in a third country

No data will be processed in a third country.

8. Data storage

Registration list

The registration list (digital and analogue) will be deleted by the departments involved (event organizers, web editors, event management, etc.) —depending on their responsibility for the list— from Typo3/Buchsys/CampUAS as well as from all other systems in which it was stored (e-mails, Nextcloud, file server) no later than 4 weeks after the event.

Name badges and confirmations of participation

Name badges and confirmations of participation that have not been used or have been returned will be destroyed immediately, up to a maximum of 1 week after the event.

Photos, videos and audio recordings

Selected photos will be archived by the web editorial team.

Photos, videos and audio recordings of the event may be stored until revoked in accordance with the consent or image rights declaration (for persons as the main focus).

9. Data-Subject Rights

In accordance with the GDPR, we hereby draw your attention to your rights. You have the following rights: Right of access by the data subject (Art. 15 GDPR), right to rectification (Art. 16 GDPR), right to delete the data (Art. 17 GDPR), right to restriction of processing (Art. 18 GDPR), right to data portability (Art. 20 GDPR) and the right to object (Art. 21 GDPR).

a. Right to object

You have the right at any time to object to the processing of your data as per Art. 21 GDPR should you have reasons related to your particular situation. We will cease processing your personal data should you lodge an objection, unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate reasons for the data processing that overrule your interests, rights and freedom or unless the data processing serves a purpose of enforcing, pursuing or defending legal claims.

b. Right to revocation of consent

You have the right to revoke your consent under data protection law at any time. The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of the data processing based on the consent before its withdrawal.

10. Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory data privacy authority (Art. 77 GDPR). The supervisory authority responsible in this case is:

Der Hessische Beauftragte für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit
(State Commissioner for Data Privacy and Freedom of Information)
Postfach 31 63
65021 Wiesbaden
Telefon: +49 611 140 80
Email: poststelle(at) 

11. Provision of personal data

The provision of personal data is not mandatory, but you may not participate in the event if you do not provide the necessary data. The provision of additional data takes place on a voluntary basis, solely on the basis of your consent.

12. Automated individual decision-making, including profiling

We do not use automated individual decision-making, including profiling.

Website editorial teamID: 14338
last updated on: 09.13.2024